Demolition Companies in Tudeley

Demolition Companies in Tudeley

Kent Demolition is a full service demolition company covering Tudeley that applies mechanical methods for safe, rapid and cost effective demolition for all types of brick, concrete and steel structures.

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Our services in Tudeley include:

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Strip Out Works
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Crushing & Screening
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About Us

If you require a Demolition Company in Tudeley then Kent Demolition is a full service demolition company that applies mechanical methods for safe, rapid and cost effective demolition for all types of brick, concrete and steel structures. Our project experience includes industrial plant, factories, houses, hotels, lift shafts and office blocks.

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Tudeley is a village in the Tunbridge Wells borough of Kent, England.

The village is home to All Saints’ Church, the only church in the world that has all its windows in stained glass designed by Marc Chagall. The East window was commissioned by Sir Henry and Lady D’Avigdor-Goldsmid in memory of their daughter Sarah, who died aged 21 in a boating accident in 1963. The other windows were added later, the final ones being installed in 1985, the year of Chagall’s death. Today the church also hosts the Tudeley Festival, an Early Music event which has been running since 1985.

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